microSpider Battery
The microSpider battery is a non-rechargeable Lithium battery which can power a microSpider for up to 5 years*. Up to two batteries can be fitted, providing battery life of up to 10 years*. Batteries are user replaceable in-field.

microSpider Battery specs

  • 7.2V, 14000mAh Lithium (non-rechargeable)
*5 Years Battery Life is a conservative estimate based on normal operating conditions. Battery life will vary depending on how microSpider is configured, and where it is located. The largest contributor to power use is the built-in GSM/NextG modem. Low cellular signal strength between the microSpider to the cellular tower will increase the power consumed when microSpider is transmitting data, thereby reducing battery life. Large reports (produced by short logging periods) will also reduce battery life as transmissions will take longer.
Note: this product is not compatible with microSpider industrial.


GPRS Static IP addresses for remote monitoring & data-logging

Sydney, NSW 8th October 2012

As a result of recent changes made by Australia’s mobile phone carriers, Halytech can now offer its Spider range of data-loggers with a GPRS static IP address. This is a major breakthrough for remote monitoring in Australia.

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Unit 11, 22 Lexington Drive
Norwest Business Park
Bella Vista NSW 2153

9:00 - 5:00 Monday to Friday

phone +61 2 8814 5235

